Sixhill Established in 2004, our legacy as a leading one-stop e-cigarette solution provider uniquely positions us to redefine the tobacco landscape. With a rich heritage and commitment to advancement, Sixhill introduces pioneering solutions that transform tobacco enjoyment.
With unwavering dedication, Sixhill's commitment to progress is evident through substantial financial investments, amounting to billions of RMB. This remarkable capital infusion underscores our determination to redefine the tobacco landscape and deliver unparalleled experiences to our consumers.
Sixhill's commitment to technological prowess extends to our expansive manufacturing facilities. Spanning over 100,000 m² across 5 cutting-edge factories, our manufacturing infrastructure is a testament to our dedication to excellence and innovation in producing world-class Heat-Not-Burn devices.
With over two decades of expertise in the e-cigarette industry, Sixhill brings unmatched knowledge to the table. Our products, which include HNB tobacco, HNB cigarette, HNB devices, and more, collectively achieve an awe-inspiring output of over 100 million units per month.
Sixhill, a new brand of a Heat-Not-Burn System,cultivated from the rich soil of China First Union,established in 2004,which is one of the biggest and earliest one stand -solution e-cig suppliers in the world.
Sixhill is a new brand of heat-not-burn system launched by China Yilian, a leading e-cigarette supplier since 2004. The project has invested billions of RMB and cooperated with major tobacco companies to develop tobacco heating devices. Sixhill has advanced technology and facilities for different heating systems. Sixhill's goal is to provide innovative heat not burn appliances!
Besides the high level of supply chain and manufacture capacity(5 factories,1 headquarter1 advanced technology institute with overall 1000 m2area)R&D also achieved great improvement on the independent developed heating system technologyincluding conductive heating,induction heatinginfrared heating technology. The main products of Sixhill are: HNB tobacco, HNB cigarette, HNB devices, HNB sticks, Electronic cigarette, e-cigarette devices, tobacco heating devices, Unburned tobacco devices, HNB tobacco devices, tobacco sticks, heated tobacco.
Indulge in a world of flavors with HNB tobacco devices, where diverse options cater to every palate. From robust tobacco blends to inventive fruity concoctions, each variant encapsulates a symphony of tastes. HNB tobacco devices offer a captivating journey through flavor, elevating the sensory experience and redefining how we perceive tobacco enjoyment.
HNB tobacco devices epitomize the evolution of nicotine enjoyment. With their technological finesse, flavor variety, health-conscious attributes, and personalized possibilities, HNB tobacco devices redefine tobacco consumption. Embrace a modern era where tradition intertwines with innovation, guided by HNB tobacco devices that set the stage for a sophisticated and contemporary nicotine journey.
HNB tobacco devices present an alternative with potential health benefits. By sidestepping combustion, these devices release fewer harmful chemicals, potentially reducing the risks associated with traditional smoking. While not devoid of risk, HNB tobacco devices pave the way for a more responsible and informed nicotine consumption choice.
Personalization reaches new heights with custom HNB tobacco devices. Through ODM and OEM services, these devices become a canvas for individuality. Tailor flavors, designs, and branding to create a unique product that reflects your identity or brand essence. Embrace the power of customization and make your mark with HNB tobacco devices that resonate with your vision.
HNB tobacco devices use controlled heating to create vapor from processed tobacco. This vapor contains nicotine, offering a smoke-free alternative to traditional smoking.
Research suggests HNB tobacco devices release fewer harmful chemicals due to no combustion. They offer a potentially reduced-risk nicotine option, but long-term effects are still studied.
HNB tobacco devices blend modern technology with tobacco enjoyment, providing a cleaner and potentially safer way to consume nicotine.
HNB tobacco devices are innovative products that heat tobacco rather than burn it, producing vapor for nicotine consumption while minimizing harmful byproducts.